Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness: Difference between revisions

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Dolphin's aspect ratio detection has trouble with this title, particularly in the map, which can cause rapid shifts between 4x3 and 16x9 AR. Set ''Aspect Ratio'' to ''Force 4:3'' to account for this.
Dolphin's aspect ratio detection has trouble with this title, particularly in the map, which can cause rapid shifts between 4x3 and 16x9 AR. Set ''Aspect Ratio'' to ''Force 4:3'' to account for this.

=== Crash: Greevil's Henchman and Zook ===
=== <s>Crash: Greevil's Henchman and Zook</s> ===
When the battle between Mr. Verich's (Greevil) henchman and Zook starts the game crashes. This can be resolved by enabling "Synchronize GPU thread".
When the battle between Mr. Verich's (Greevil) henchman and Zook starts the game crashes. This can be resolved by enabling "Synchronize GPU thread".
Dualcore is force disabled in the latest builds, meaning this crash no longer happens.

=== <s>Illegible Text</s> ===
=== <s>Illegible Text</s> ===
