The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition

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The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition
Developer(s) Nintendo EAD, Nintendo Software Technology
Publisher(s) Nintendo
Series The Legend of Zelda
Platform(s) GameCube
Release date(s) JP November 7, 2003
EU November 14, 2003
NA November 17, 2003
AUS March 19, 2004
Genre(s) Compilation
Mode(s) Single-player
Input methods GameCube Controller
Compatibility 5Stars5.pngEdit rating: The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition
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The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition is a compilation of four video games from Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda series (The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask), a twenty-minute demo of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, and two featurettes. It was released for the Nintendo GameCube on November 7, 2003 in Japan; November 14, 2003 in Europe; November 17, 2003 in North America; and March 19, 2004 in Oceania. Not available for purchase, it was distributed through various promotions and bundles.

Emulation Information

DirectX with NES Games

Most NES games suffer strange graphical issues when using the DirectX backend with some graphics drivers; notably NVIDIA. This is a driver bug.

As of 5.0-4869, the D3D driver bugs can be worked around by setting Ubershaders to Exclusive. It's unknown what exactly is going on with the driver that's causing Exclusive Ubershaders to work properly.


There are no reported problems with this title.


Internal Resolution

Setting Internal Resolution to a multiple of 2x causes blurry graphics in NES games. This can be fixed by using native resolution, 3x resolution, 5x resolution, etc.

Texture Filtering

Using Force Texture Filtering or Anisotropic Filtering causes corrupt graphics and text in NES games. Because of this, both settings are defaulted to "Off" and "1x" respectively by this title's GameINI.

HD Texture Pack

Zelda 64 UHD v4.1: A complete HD/4K texture pack can be found here. The texture pack is fully retextured, but is still receiving revised updates. The texture pack contains textures for Ocarina of Time, Master Quest, Majora's Mask and several rom hacks.



$Ocarina of Time → 16:9 Aspect Ratio Fix (PZLE01) (AR Code)
040350C8 4BFCD7E0
8C0AE7C4 D00504DC
04029EAC 4BFD8A64
0402A454 4BFD8480
0409473C 4BF6E200
00000000 40000000
040028A8 3DC03FAA
040028AC 61CEAAAB
040028B0 91C21000
040028B4 C1E21000
040028B8 ED0F0232
040028BC ED494024
040028C0 60000000
040028C4 48032808
040028D4 3C808002
040028D8 60846180
040028DC 80A1006C
040028E0 7C042800
040028E4 40820018
040028E8 3C803B99
040028EC 6084999A
040028F0 90830000
040028F4 3C80BF40
040028F8 9083000C
040028FC 38800001
04002900 48027B58
04002910 3861005C
04002914 2C040001
04002918 40820010
0400291C 3CA03B99
04002920 60A5999A
04002924 90A30000
04002928 60000000
0400292C 48027584
0400293C 3DC03FAA
04002940 61CEAAAB
04002944 91C21000
04002948 C1E21000
0400294C C3A1005C
04002950 EFAF0772
04002954 39C00000
04002958 48091DE8
02C8DC66 000000AE
02C8DC6C 000000AE
$Ocarina of Time → 16:9 Widescreen (PZLE01) (AR Code)
04B56F3C 3C073FE3
$Majora's Mask → 16:9 Aspect Ratio Fix (PZLE01) (AR Code)
8C0350C8 ED494024
040350C8 4BFCD7E0
040028A8 3DC03FAA
040028AC 61CEAAAB
040028B0 91C21000
040028B4 C1E21000
040028B8 ED0F0232
040028BC ED494024
040028C0 4803280C
00000000 40000000
8C097FFC 80030010
04097FF8 4BF6A8D4
040028CC 3DC03FAA
040028D0 61CEAAAB
040028D4 91C21000
040028D8 C1E21000
040028DC C3A1005C
040028E0 EFAF0772
040028E4 39C00000
040028E8 48095714
040290A0 4BFD9850
040028F0 3DC08002
040028F4 61CE4D94
040028F8 92420010
040028FC 82410074
04002900 7C0E9000
04002904 40820028
04002908 82420010
0400290C 3DC03F40
04002910 91C20000
04002914 C2220000
04002918 C0030000
0400291C EC110032
04002920 D0030000
04002924 C003000C
04002928 EC110032
0400292C D003000C
04002930 38800001
04002934 48026770
04028A78 4BFD9EC8
04002940 2C040001
04002944 3861005C
04002948 40820028
0400294C 3DC03F40
04002950 91C20000
04002954 C2220000
04002958 C0030000
0400295C EC110032
04002960 D0030000
04002964 C003000C
04002968 EC110032
0400296C D003000C
04002970 4802610C
04BE7AD0 240700A4
04BE7B80 240700A4
04BE792C 240700A6
00000000 40000000
$Majora's Mask → 16:9 Widescreen (PZLE01) (AR Code)
04C0E474 3C073FE3
88E669FD 00000006
051495C4 006C0053
051495CC 006C0084
051495D0 009E00B7
051495D4 0053006C
40000000 00000000



Press D-pad Up Ingame to toggle between 20FPS and 30FPS mode. Needs 250% CPU Clock Override for Ocarina of Time, and 295% CPU Clock Override for Majora's Mask.

$Ocarina of Time → 30 FPS Switch (Part 1) [Admentus] (PZLE01) (Gecko Code)
28134C58 00000008
20C9F0D4 00000000
00002FC2 00000000
CC000000 00000001
00002FC2 00000001
E0000000 80008000
$Ocarina of Time → 30 FPS Switch (Part 2) (PZLE01) (AR Code)
C8C9F0D5 00000000
08002FC2 00000001
00C8D2C1 00000003
08CA135D 00000080
00C8D2C1 00000003
08CA135D 000000F0
00C8D2C1 00000001
D2CA0D9E 00000000
C8002FC2 00000000
00C8D2C1 00000002
0ABAD1BE 00000100
00C8D2C1 00000003
0AC8EF40 00000001
00C8D2C1 00000003
0ACA0D10 0000100B
00C8D2C1 00000003
0ACA0E9E 00002708
00C8D2C1 00000003
4ACA0D9E 0000FF08
08CA0CF6 00000000
00C8D2C1 00000003
48C8EF41 00000000
08CA135C 00000020
00C8D2C1 00000002
08BC63B8 00000001
00C8D2C1 00000002
C8C8D2C1 00000002
0ABB5C80 0000000A
02BB5C80 00000007
0ACA0E9E 00002900
02CA0D5C 0000BF34
0ACA0E9E 00002950
02CA0D5C 0000BF34
0ACA0E9E 00002968
0ACA0E9E 00002970
0ACA0E9E 00002988
02CA0D5C 0000BF34
0ACA0E9E 000029D0
02CA0D5C 0000BF34
0ACA0E9E 00002A80
0ACA0E9E 00002A90
0ACA0E9E 00003148
02CA0D5C 0000BF34
0ACA1540 000000C8
02002FC4 00000000
4ACA1540 00000034
0A002FC4 00000001
02CA1540 00000031
0ACA1540 00000033
02002FC4 00000001
0ACA1540 00000032
02CA1540 00000099
C8C9F0D5 00000000
08BE1657 00000000
00003FC0 00000000
88003FC0 00000000
08BE1C01 00000000
00003FC0 00000001
08BE1C01 00000002
00003FC0 00000003
08BE1C01 00000004
00003FC0 00000005
08BE1C01 00000006
00003FC0 00000007
08BE1C01 00000008
00003FC0 00000009
00000000 40000000
B8003FC0 00000001
80003FC0 00000001
48C8D2C1 00000002
08BE1657 00000004
80BE1659 00000001
48C8D2C1 00000002
08BE1657 00000008
80BE1659 00000001
48C8D2C1 00000002
08BE1657 0000000E
80BE1659 000000FF
00000000 40000000
88BE1657 00000004
48003FC0 00000004
08BE1C01 00000001
00003FC0 00000000
48003FC0 00000006
08BE1C01 00000003
00003FC0 00000000
48003FC0 00000008
08BE1C01 00000005
00003FC0 00000000
48003FC0 0000000A
08BE1C01 00000007
00003FC0 00000000
48003FC0 00000002
08BE1C01 00000009
00003FC0 00000000
00000000 40000000
88BE1657 00000008
48003FC0 00000004
08BE1C01 00000001
00003FC0 00000000
48003FC0 00000006
08BE1C01 00000003
00003FC0 00000000
48003FC0 00000008
08BE1C01 00000005
00003FC0 00000000
48003FC0 0000000A
08BE1C01 00000007
00003FC0 00000000
48003FC0 00000002
08BE1C01 00000009
00003FC0 00000000
00000000 40000000
88BE1657 0000000E
48003FC0 00000002
08BE1C01 00000001
00003FC0 00000000
48003FC0 00000004
08BE1C01 00000003
00003FC0 00000000
48003FC0 00000006
08BE1C01 00000005
00003FC0 00000000
48003FC0 00000008
08BE1C01 00000007
00003FC0 00000000
48003FC0 0000000A
08BE1C01 00000009
00003FC0 00000000
00000000 40000000
$Majora's Mask → 30 FPS Switch (Part 1) [Admentus] (PZLE01) (Gecko Code)
281410C2 00000008
20E669FC 00000000
00002FC2 00000000
CC000000 00000001
00002FC2 00000001
E0000000 80008000
$Majora's Mask → 30 FPS Switch (Part 2) (PZLE01) (AR Code)
D2E68E26 00000000
C8E669FD 00000000
08002FC2 00000001
00E4FB82 00000003
88E4FB82 00000003
00E4DDF1 00000003
08E4DD13 00000002
00E4DD13 00000003
10E4DD13 00000000
00E4DD13 00000003
00000000 40000000
C8002FC2 00000000
00E4FB82 00000002
0AE697DC 00000302
00E4FB82 00000003
4AE68E26 00003208
0AE68DC0 0000100B
00E4FB82 00000003
0AE68E26 0000FF08
00E4FB82 00000003
08E68D76 00000001
00E4FB82 00000002
0AE69857 00000100
00E4FB82 00000002
08E68F28 00000001
00E4FB82 00000002
08CA4AB4 00000001
00E4FB82 00000002
C8E4FB82 00000002
00E4DDF1 00000002
02BE4DDE 00000006
02BE5432 00000000
32E68DE0 00004120
02E68DE4 0000BF34
0AE68FC4 000040E0
02E68DE4 0000BF34
0AE68FC4 00004110
02E68DE4 0000BF34
0AE68FC4 00004120
02E68DE4 0000BF34
4AE68E26 00005008
0AE68FC4 00004120
02E68DE4 0000BF00
4AE68E26 00003208
0AE68FC4 000040A0
4AE68E26 00003208
0AE68FC4 00004110
4AE68E26 00005008
0AE68FC4 000040E0
04E68FCC 3F333333
4AE68E26 00005008
0AE68FC4 00004110
04E68FCC 3F333333
4AE68E26 00005008
0AE68FC4 00004120
04E68FCC 3F333333
4AE68E26 0000C808
0AE68FC4 00004140
04E68FCC 3F800000
4AE68E26 0000C808
0AE68FC4 00004198
04E68FCC 3F800000
0CE68FCC 3FA00000
04E68FCC 3F900000
4AE68DE4 0000BFB3
0AE68FC4 00004140
02E68DE4 0000BFD0
4AE68DE4 0000BFB3
0AE68FC4 00004120
02E68DE4 0000BFD0
0AE68DE4 0000C0B0
02E68DE4 0000C050
0AE68FC4 00004150
02E68DE4 0000BF34
0AE68FC4 00004160
02E68DE4 0000BF34
0AE68FC4 00004170
02E68DE4 0000BF34
0AE69898 000000C8
02002FC4 00000000
4AE69898 00000034
0A002FC4 00000001
02E69898 00000031
0AE69898 00000033
02002FC4 00000001
0AE69898 00000032
02E69898 000000B7
50E4DD13 00000000
0CCBC0C4 00000000
00E4DD13 00000002
50E4DD13 00000000
00E4DD13 00000003
48E4FB85 00000020
08CBFE81 00000004
00E4FB82 00000003
48E4FB85 00000024
08CBFE81 00000004
00E4FB82 00000003
48E4FB85 0000006B
08CBFE84 00000004
00E4FB82 00000003
88E4FB82 00000003
02CBFEEE 00001194
0ACBFEEE 00002328
02CBFEEE 00001770
0ACBFEEE 00004650
02CBFEEE 00002EE0
00000000 40000000
C8E4FB82 00000002
0ACBFEEE 00001194
02CBFEEE 00001A5E
0ACBFEEE 00001770
02CBFEEE 00002328
02CBFEEE 00004650


This title does not need non-default settings to run properly.

Version Compatibility

The graph below charts the compatibility with The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition since Dolphin's 2.0 release, listing revisions only where a compatibility change occurred.

2409-65 (current)
2.0 (r5384)
Compatibility can be assumed to align with the indicated revisions. However, compatibility may extend to prior revisions or compatibility gaps may exist within ranges indicated as compatible due to limited testing. Please update as appropriate.


This title has been tested on the environments listed below:

Test Entries
Revision OS CPU GPU Result Tester
r7436 Windows 7 AMD Phenom II X6 1055T @ 3.5 GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 Perfect: 60FPS With DX9 Plugin, Dual Core Enabled, 16x Anisotropic Filtering enabled, Scale 3x, 1920x1080, RDilus
r7598 Windows 7 Intel Core i5-760 @ 3.2 GHz NVIDIA GeForce 460 Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask crash every 15-20 minutes unless the above settings are used (20FPS limit, limit byFPS checked, audio throttle enabled). Otherwise, games run perfectly. jessek
3.0 Windows 7 Intel Pentium P6200 @ 2.13 GHz Intel N64 games work fine without changes, NES games crash Dolphin. MoeBoy76
r7719 Windows 7 Intel Pentium @ 2.1 GHz ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570 NES games are unplayable due to big graphical errors. N64 runs fine with framelimit to 20-30. Mamid
3.0-415 Mac OS X 10.6.8 Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.13 GHz NVIDIA GeForce 9400M Nearly unplayable. NES games don't work at all, a glitchy screen that is mostly black is shown. N64 games run, but really slowly. However, the menus and the videos run fine, and Wind Waker demo runs just as the full version does, which is a bit slow but fully playable. Ac
4.0.2 Windows 7 Intel Pentium G1610 @ 2.6 GHz Intel HD Graphics Majora is quite playable : 15-20FPS, no glitches hivaoa
4.0-553 Windows 7 Intel Pentium G630 @ 2.7 GHz NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS 512MB NES Graphics are a glitched out mess. dude22072
4.0-3336 Windows 8.1 Intel Core i7-3630QM @ 2.4 GHz NVIDIA GeForce GT 635M Perfect, no glitches mbc07
4.0-3367 Linux Intel Core i5-4670K @ 3.4 GHz NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 Both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask crash/hang after a random amount of time anon
4.0-7840 Windows 10 Intel Core i5-3570K @ 4.5 GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 NES games are unplayable due to stretching issues that aren't fixed by either XFB setting or by the config recommended on the wiki page. Ocarina of Time seems perfect save for the menu background being black with Store EFB Copies to Texture Only enabled, and discolored glitchy-looking backgrounds with the same setting disabled. Otherwise, N64 games seem to run at a flawless emulation of the N64 game, at 20 fps. Works well with OpenGL renderer, at 1080p with 4x SSAA, 16x Anistropic Filtering. Smartlord
5.0-2191 Windows 10 Intel Core i5 3570K @ 4.2 GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 Playable with minor graphical issues. DX11 or DX12 must be used as backend to remove pause menu artifacts. Hyrule HUD elements are not placed correctly. PimpWithALimp
5.0-18219 Ubuntu 22.04 AMD Ryzen 7 5700G @ 3.8 GHz AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 Performance: Stable 20FPS in Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask (Perfectly Playable). Configuration: 1080p, 4xMSAA, Vsync: ON, Region: PAL, Graphics Backend: Vulkan, Built-in Widescreen Hack. PortalMario

Gameplay Videos