
Joined 24 June 2010
1,032 bytes removed ,  10 May 2016
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'''Donkey Kong Country Returns:''' crash the emulator after "Health and Safety" screen
'''Donkey Kong Country Returns:''' crash the emulator after "Health and Safety" screen
<tab name="First" style="border:1px solid black;">This tab has a defined <code>name</code>. It also has a <code>style</code> attribute set to <code>style="border:1px solid black;"</code>.</tab>
<tab name="Second" style="background:salmon;">This tab also has a defined <code>name</code> attribute, and its <code>style</code> attribute set to <code>style="background:salmon;"</code>.</tab>
<tab>This tab has no attributes defined. Its name is automatically generated based on its position.</tab>
<tab index="1">This is a seperate tab. It has a defined <code>index</code> attribute with value "1". This makes it also show when the first tab is selected.</tab>
<tab name="Second">This is a seperate tab. It has a defined <code>name</code> attribute, with a value equal to that of the second tab ("Second"). It therefore also shows when the second tab is opened.</tab>
This line of text will show for every tab you view. It is not placed within <code><tab> tags, and can be used as default content for the tab menu.