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Image Template -Thumbnail Size

How does one control image size with the Image Template? The documentation doesn't say. And can the video gallery and youtube templates do it as well? - MaJoR (talk) 07:14, 15 November 2012 (CET)

It's hardcoded in the template... You'll need to change it directly in the template source code (here is the source of Image template). The video gallery just embed youtube template, so, to change video thumbnail size you only need to edit the source code of YouTube template, the changes will be automatically reflected in the Video Gallery. If necessary, I could add an option to override the hardcoded value through the 4th parameter, from both Image and YouTube template, but the best would be having the standard size (that haven't been defined yet) hardcoded directly in the templates, avoiding unnecessary parameters...
Also, to prevent breaking up the truncate caption function, you'll need to change 2 tags in the source (both youtube and image): the first parameter (currently at 300px) need to be changed to the desired size (for example, 200px). The second parameter (currently set at 275px) need to be changed to the desired size minus 25px (from the 200px example, this should be 175px -- 200px minus 25px)

Well, if we are going to have a smaller thumbnail size for screenshots, an option to change the size of the screenshots on the fly would allow us to revert back to the standard image size for other things, like bug images. But I guess it isn't really necessary; the point of the template is to make big changes across the board easily, and we don't need that for bug images. We could just set the screenshot thumbnail size in the template straight up. Thanks - MaJoR (talk) 02:31, 16 November 2012 (CET)

I'd think an additional "type" parameter might work best. We'd default to screenshot size, but then allow alternate sizes for other types of images, and would be able to set the size across them easily (which I believe is the whole point of the image template).Kolano (talk) 05:09, 16 November 2012 (CET)

Parser functions limit

I increased the limit to 500. Better than removing potentially useful features from our templates, imho. delroth (talk) 22:49, 2 February 2013 (CET)