Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II Trial Edition

Why did you rate Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II Trial Edition as one star in the version compatibility? BBA has been supported since before 3.5, and even without it there is a Dummy for getting around this stuff. Are you able to get into the game? - MaJoR (talk) 07:33, 25 February 2013 (CET)

No. The game does not work. It requires the modem adapter. The BBA was not available when this game was initially released in Japan. (note that the demo was released a few months before the full version in Japan.) Even then, I think the BBA came out a while later after the game, but was still supported, but I'm not entirely sure about that. Even with the dummy, the game will not boot, just as the screenshot shows. So, no, that game does not work. It would need a modem dummy to function, as reported in this issue: