Bluetooth Passthrough

Revision as of 20:20, 6 October 2016 by Léo (talk | contribs) (→‎macOS)

This is a work in progress

Since 5.0-910, Dolphin has the ability to passthrough a Bluetooth adapter for emulated Wii software. This gives emulated Wii software full control of a Bluetooth adapter, which, provided a decent, working adapter, notably allows pairing Wiimotes to Dolphin, third-party Wiimote support, working Wiimote audio and more accurate connectivity.

Setting up


A udev rule has to be installed so Dolphin can use a Bluetooth adapter without having to get root privileges.

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="YOURVID", ATTRS{idProduct}=="YOURPID", TAG+="uaccess"

Also, the USB Bluetooth kernel module should be unloaded, or Dolphin will not be able to use the adapter.

modprobe -r btusb
# and to reload the kernel module (to restore Bluetooth):
modprobe btusb

Note: it is also possible to unbind only a specific adapter from the btusb module, but for simplicity, unloading the whole module works too. Additionally, unloading can be automated by tweaking the udev rule.



There is currently no way to use this feature on versions newer than 10.9, because Apple removed the ability to unload the Bluetooth kernel module.

A potential solution would be to force the OS to ignore the adapter with a codeless .kext, but this hasn't been tried yet.

