Talk:Wii Remote Plus (RVL-CNT-01-TR) Connection Guide

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Driver signature

The drivers provided by Toshiba Stack are signed and install just fine, however, manually adding a device ID to the .inf file makes the driver become unsigned, and in 64 bit editions of Windows (including WinVista/Win7) the installation fails. Shouldn't we add steps telling how to disable driver signature check in windows 7 and older? mbc07 (talk)

You do not need to disable driver sigchecks, you merely need to install the driver(s) as an administrator. incassum (talk) 00:03, 3 February 2014 (CET)

Collapsible Section

Eh, I meant to remove the Collapsible bit and screwed up, but eh, this is ok for the short term. I'll still look into better methods later. If anyone has any ideas feel free to try them. - MayImilae (talk) 11:02, 27 October 2013 (CET)

Wiimote sounds/speaker

I've found that the wiimote speaker, using a normal, nintendo original wiimote, does not function properly when using the toshiba stack under windows 7 x64. I do admittedly not know if this is unique to the toshiba stack, but it's the only one I've used (for it's technical/functional superiority over the windows built-in stack), and ever since at the very least revision 4.0-717 (I had not tried real wiimotes prior to that revision, however, it seems that the problem is with the actual toshiba stack as opposed to Dolphin) it only gives of weird white-noises (between which can sometimes be heard the actual sound that is supposed to be heard), and in addition it also makes the rumble lag behind significantly in some games (e.g. Soul Calibur Legends). Since it has happened with every game I've tried, and to a certain extent with some wiimote testing software I've used (and several different wiimotes), I think it might be related to my choice of stack as opposed to dolphin in itself, however, I would like someone to confirm this. Anyone up for it? incassum (talk) 00:03, 3 February 2014 (CET)

This happens regardless of the bluetooth stack. In fact, the Toshiba stack greatly improves the wiimote speaker with dolphin. With the MS stack everything is even more laggy and sounds even worse. So yea, known issue. The Toshiba Stack is the best wiimote support dolphin can get on windows. - MayImilae (talk) 03:14, 3 February 2014 (CET)

Aha, ok... Isn't that something that should be on here then, as well on the page about wiimotes in general? (i.e. the problem with wiimote sounds, that they're.. Well, basically entirely broken) So as to avoid further confusion?
Also, seeing as you say "on windows", allow me to ask, as a person sticking with a couple of windows client basically just because they're easier for gaming if you play a lot of obscure and imported games (as opposed to mainly indie or triple-A releases, which are getting more and more common on at the very least Linux), is Linux/*nix in general confirmed as not having this problem? (Might be time to migrate a dedicated gaming/emulation machine to Linux if that's the case...). incassum (talk) 21:21, 3 February 2014 (CET)

Well, the problem is desktop bluetooth. No one is entirely sure the exact reasons, either latency, bandwidth, or both, but it has never really worked quite right. The toshiba stack cuts down on latency, so button presses and the wiimote pointer behave as well as they do on the wii (better even, no HDTV lag means it feels faster). But the speaker has never worked right. As for linux, from what I understand it behaves the same as the Toshiba Stack. The issue with the MS bluetooth stack is that it doesn't support all bluetooth functions: many of which the Wiimote needs. Hence it is incapable with the -TR wiimote, laggier, and much more problematic. The Toshiba Stack and the Linux bluetooth stack both support all those functions, so they behave more or less the same. So there really isn't any solution to the wiimote speaker issue. Oh, and just FYI, better to ask questions like these on the forum :P - MayImilae (talk) 00:07, 4 February 2014 (CET)

Oh, I am as stated well aware of the differences between the Toshiba and Windows stacks on windows, however, not having examined it further, I was not very aware of the technicalities of the Linux stack (I generally try to avoid BT as much as possible, and even now have a marginal, isolated relationship with it (external dongles attached only to the computer on which I intend to use wiimotes, and only for the duration of my gaming)) and as such wouldn't have been surprised to hear that it functioned without error on the *nixs. Hah, HDTV lag depends on the panel used, as with all things display-related, and there are rather high-end panels with response times comparable to regular VGA displays out there.
Haha, oh, I know that, sorry, but I merely requested confirmation because, if there was any (and there apparently is), I find that it ought to be written here (and in other appropriate places, obviously) that it is broken; especially seeing as that the option ("wiimote speaker data") is enabled by default in Dolphin, something which I find rather odd considering that it is broken. I think it deserves mention, so that people are aware of it. If there are any known workarounds (e.g. to make the speaker sounds come out on a separate channel on your soundrig or something like that), that might be of use in the wiki as well. incassum (talk) 22:53, 4 February 2014 (CET)

There are no workarounds. Wiimote speaker data is just bad, and no one knows how to fix it. Other than it sounding bad it isn't much of a problem though (though I really do hate that it's enabled by default). Anyway, I guess mentioning it somewhere could be done, but frankly it doesn't really fit into the Wii Remote Plus connection guide. I'm not sure where it would fit. - MayImilae (talk) 05:18, 5 February 2014 (CET)

Oh, that I know, I meant "workaround" as in making the emulator (i.e. Dolphin) send the wiimote sound data to a different location (just a thought, as I have no idea if that is even possible code-wise), to e.g. make the sounds that are supposed to play in the wiimote play e.g. in the center or left speaker in your soundrig, or perhaps even to a separate soundcard (enabling one to have a tiny little extra speaker lying on the desktop that plays all the wiimote sounds, or use the built-in speakers of ones HDMI-connected display with built-in speakers for example). incassum (talk) 00:37, 15 February 2014 (CET)

Toshiba stack and licensing

Just a thought; maybe it ought to be mentioned on the page that the Toshiba stack isn't freeware unless you use "real" toshiba hardware, and that what you download is a 30-day trial version (which is the case)? Further, you can't even buy it after the trial period, as according to Toshiba, they only supply it for use with their own hardware (and apparently only their notebooks/notebooks equipped with their gear nowadays) and if you use third-party hardware, you have to uninstall it and use "the appropriate software for your third-party vendor" (one could ask why they even offer their software in the first place if there's no way to obtain it even if you like it and are willing to pay, but oh well) as seen here, here and here. This might be a good thing to mention to avoid nasty surprises, and to be clear what it is we're recommending here. incassum (talk) 00:32, 15 February 2014 (CET)

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