GameINI (Controller Settings)

Revision as of 04:03, 5 August 2022 by Nickps (talk | contribs) (Add controller settings in [Core] section)
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Here is a separate list for all controllers related, you can configure controller settings per-game basis through their GameINI. Access the GameINI file normally, then add any controller settings from below to there. Also remember, when editing, carefully arranged line, headings, and capitalization are important.


The following entries go under [Core]/[Dolphin.Core] section of the GameINI.

Continuous Scanning

  • WiimoteContinuousScanning = True or False to enable and disable Continuous Scanning respectively.

Enable Speaker Data

  • WiimoteEnableSpeaker = True or False to enable and disable Enable Speaker Data respectively.


The following entries go under [Controls] section of the GameINI.

GameCube Controller Port

Possible values include:

  • 0: "Nothing"
  • 5: "GBA (TCP)"
  • 6: "Standard Controller"
  • 7: "Keyboard"
  • 8: "Steering Wheel"
  • 9: "Dance Mat"
  • 10: "DK Bongos"
  • 12: "GameCube Adapter for Wii U"
  • 13: "GBA (Integrated)"
PadType0 = 0
PadType1 = 0
PadType2 = 0
PadType3 = 0

GameCube Controller Profile

The GameCube controller profile to be used for player 1 to 4.

PadProfile1 = Name of Profile
PadProfile2 = Name of Profile
PadProfile3 = Name of Profile
PadProfile4 = Name of Profile

Change Name of Profile to the name of an existing control profile. It requires that you have created and saved a new control profile beforehand in the controller configuration window for the emulated GameCube Controller.

Wii Remote

Values starting from 0 represent the drop down order in the list that dolphin uses.

WiimoteSource0 = 0
WiimoteSource1 = 0
WiimoteSource2 = 0
WiimoteSource3 = 0

Balance Board

WiimoteSourceBB = 0 or 2 to disable and enable the "Real Balance Board" respectively.

Wii Remote Profile

The Wii Remote profile to be used for player 1 to 4.

WiimoteProfile1 = Name of Profile
WiimoteProfile2 = Name of Profile
WiimoteProfile3 = Name of Profile
WiimoteProfile4 = Name of Profile

Change Name of Profile to the name of an existing control profile. It requires that you have created and saved a new control profile beforehand in the controller configuration window for the emulated Wii Remote.

In 5.0-8443 and later, you can add a secondary or more profiles, and switch between via hotkey (to be configured under Options > Hotkey Settings > Controller Profile). The first profile will be loaded first upon game launch. The profiles are separated by commas (,) like so: WiimoteProfile1 = Name of Profile, Name of Profile Another, Name of Profile Other.


The following entries go under [Wiimote.Nunchuk_Shake] section of the GameINI.

Nunchuk Shake Strength

Implemented in 5.0-8443 and removed in 5.0-9705. Given values are default strength Dolphin provides.

Soft = 2.0
Medium = 3.0
Hard = 5.0


The following entries go under [Wiimote.Nunchuk_Swing] section of the GameINI.

Nunchuk Swing Strength

Implemented in 5.0-8443 and removed in 5.0-9705. Given values are default strength Dolphin provides.

Slow = 1.5
Medium = 2.5
Fast = 4.5


Swing Shake
SwingSlow/Up = UP
SwingSlow/Down = DOWN
SwingSlow/Left = LEFT
SwingSlow/Right = RIGHT
ShakeSoft/Up = UP
ShakeSoft/Down = DOWN
ShakeSoft/Left = LEFT
ShakeSoft/Right = RIGHT
Swing/Up = UP
Swing/Down = DOWN
Swing/Left = LEFT
Swing/Right = RIGHT
Shake/Up = UP
Shake/Down = DOWN
Shake/Left = LEFT
Shake/Right = RIGHT
SwingFast/Up = UP
SwingFast/Down = DOWN
SwingFast/Left = LEFT
SwingFast/Right = RIGHT
ShakeHard/Up = UP
ShakeHard/Down = DOWN
ShakeHard/Left = LEFT
ShakeHard/Right = RIGHT

The following entries go under [Wiimote.Shake] section of the GameINI.

Wii Remote Shake Strength

Implemented in 5.0-8443 and removed in 5.0-9705. Given values are default strength Dolphin provides.

Soft = 2.0
Medium = 3.0
Hard = 5.0


The following entries go under [Wiimote.Swing] section of the GameINI.

Wii Remote Swing Strength

Implemented in 5.0-8443 and removed in 5.0-9705. Given values are default strength Dolphin provides.

Slow = 1.5
Medium = 2.5
Fast = 4.5


The following entries go under [Wiimote.Dynamic_Shake] section of the GameINI.

Wii Remote Shake Dynamic

Implemented in 5.0-8443 and removed in 5.0-9705. Given values are default strength Dolphin provides. The all-caps directions after each equation sign are input syntax for arrow keys on keyboard respectively.

Shake Dynamic/Up = UP
Shake Dynamic/Down = DOWN
Shake Dynamic/Left = LEFT
Shake Dynamic/Right = RIGHT
  • FramesHeldFast indicates minimum number frames required for a fast swing. If being only less than this, the swing will be slow or medium.
  • FramesHeldSlow indicates maximum number frames allowed for a slow swing. If exceeded than this, the swing will be medium or fast.
  • FrameCount indicates how long the swing should take affect for the game to register it properly.


The following entries go under [Wiimote.Dynamic_Swing] section of the GameINI.

Wii Remote Swing Dynamic

Implemented in 5.0-8443 and removed in 5.0-9705. Given values are default strength Dolphin provides. The all-caps directions after each equation sign are input syntax for arrow keys on keyboard respectively.

Swing Dynamic/Up = UP
Swing Dynamic/Down = DOWN
Swing Dynamic/Left = LEFT
Swing Dynamic/Right = RIGHT
  • FramesHeldFast indicates minimum number frames required for a fast swing. If being only less than this, the swing will be slow or medium.
  • FramesHeldSlow indicates maximum number frames allowed for a slow swing. If exceeded than this, the swing will be medium or fast.
  • FrameCount indicates how long the swing should take affect for the game to register it properly.