How to use the Official GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U in Dolphin

Revision as of 10:38, 15 December 2014 by MayImilae (talk | contribs) (Huh, it didn't show up in recent changes. Stupid database error. Continuing.)


As of 4.0-4599, Dolphin has built in support for the Nintendo GameCube controller Adapter for Wii U, the only official USB GameCube adapter available. With Dolphin's implementation, the GC controller is auto-configured and calibrated, with full rumble support. Wireless controllers and bongos are supported.



Linux support does NOT require any special drivers. However, do to a bug, Dolphin must be run as root for the adapter to be detected.


The adapter does not appear to work in OS X at this time. Further testing is required.


If you have the vJoy drivers installed, the GC pad will act like a generic gamepad which can be configured in Dolphin like any other controller. However, Dolphin's built in implementation has rumble support (vjoy doesn't), preset mapping and calibration, and reduced latency. vJoy and Dolphin's native GC adapter support conflict with one another, so before using the native support in Dolphin, vJoy's drivers must be removed from the system.

Driver installation

Driver signing enforcement might need to be disabled.

1. Close Dolphin if it is running.

2. Plug in the GC adapter.

3. Download Zadig and start it up.

4. From the "Options" menu in Zadig, select "List All Devices"

5. In the pulldown menu, select "WUP-028".

6. Check that the driver on the left says "HidUsb" and the USB ID is "057E 0337". If it doesn't, follow the driver removal instructions below.

7. If it is, on the right hand side, select "WinUSB"

8. Click "Replace Driver"

9. Select "Yes" to modify the system driver

10. Press Close at the prompt

11. Close Zadig

12. Follow "Setup" below.

Adapter not detected

If Dolphin's controller setting says that the adapter is not detected, try inserting the GC adapter into another USB port (try USB 2.0 ports and USB 3.0 ports). Dolphin will detect GC adapters that are plugged into USB hubs.

Driver not detected

If the controller settings says "Driver not detected", go to the Windows "Device Manager", and look for the "WUP-028" device which is usually under the "Universal Serial Bus devices". Select the "Driver" tab. Click "Uninstall". Select "Delete the driver software for this device". Click "OK". Then unplug and re-insert the GC adapter. The steps for driver installation can now be followed.


With any necessary installation complete, run Dolphin, and check "Direct Connect" under GameCube Adapter in the Controller Settings. Then simply start a game.

  • Ensure that "Standard Controller" or "bongos" is selected in each port you wish to use in the Controller Settings. The ports on the adapter correspond to the numbered ports in the Controller Settings.
  • Both USB cables need to be plugged in for wireless controllers and/or rumble.
  • Dolphin supports hot-plug, so the pads can be unplugged and plugged into other ports. If a pad is unplugged from the adapter, Dolphin will use what is configured (PC keyboard/mouse, PC gamepad etc).