
I am working on doing several things for all existing game pages:

  • If it's not already in place, copy/paste a cleaned-up Infobox from Wikipedia into the game page
  • Update templates to use the most recent versions, rather than redirected versions
  • Ensure that all sections that need user updates have a template to copy-paste, or a link to further documentation
  • Update pages to conform to the standard game page -- Problems, Configuration, Version Compatibility, Testing, Gameplay Videos
  • Remove existing non-used config variables if they are present in the page


Takes a Wikipedia Infobox and first paragraph and turns it into an acceptable format for our wiki. Paste in the info from Wikipedia, then enter -1 to show that you're done. Still requires a little bit of manual eye-balling for other system's information, but greatly speeds the whole process. Also removes platforms that aren't in Dolphin, removes all references, citations, and wiki brackets.


my $line;
my @devices;

my $imageLine;

if (($#ARGV + 1) eq 1) {
        $imageLine = $ARGV[0];
	$imageLine =~ s/\ {2,}/\ /g;


while ($line ne "-1") {
        $line = <STDIN>;

        if (($line ne "-1") and ($line ne "")) {
                push (@devices,$line);

$foundInfobox = 0;
my $categories;


foreach (@devices) {
	$newLine = $_;

	$platforms  = "\|platforms \= ";
	$platformAltered = 0;
	$skip = 0;

	if ($newLine =~ /^\{\{\ *Infobox.*/gi) {
		$newLine =~ s/^\{\{\ *Infobox.*/\{\{Infobox\ VG/gi;
		$foundInfobox = 1;

	if ($newLine =~ /\|\ *platforms/gi) {
		if ($newLine =~ /.*Wii.*/i) {
			$platforms .= '[[Wii]] ';
			$categories .= "[[Category:Wii games]]\n";
			$platformAltered = 1;

                if ($newLine =~ /GameCube/i) {
			$platforms .= '[[GameCube]] ';
			$categories .= "[[Category:GameCube games]]\n";
			$platformAltered = 1;

                if ($newLine =~ /WiiWare/i) {
       	        	$platforms .= '[[WiiWare]] ';
			$categories .= "[[Category:WiiWare games]]\n";
			$platformAltered = 1;

                if ($newLine =~ /TriForce/i) {
               		$platforms .= '[[Triforce]] ';
			$categories .= "[[Category:Triforce games]]\n";
			$platformAltered = 1;

	#Purge un-used parameters
	if ($newLine =~ /^\|/) {
		if ($newLine =~ /\|\ *(title|developer|publisher|distributor|director|producer|designer|programmer|artist|composer|license|series|engine|resolution|released|genre|mode|ratings|input|size|fps|dspcode|dtkadpcm|channeltype|image|mode|modes)\ *=\ * .+/gi) {
			$skip = 0;
		} else {
			$skip = 1;


	#Replace image name, if necessary
	if (($newLine =~ /^\|\ *image/) and ($imageLine ne "")) {
		$skip = 1;
		print "$imageLine\n";

	#Un-wiki-fy everything
        if (($newLine =~ /^\|\ *image/ eq "") and ($platformAltered eq 0)) {
		$newLine =~ s/\<ref.+?\/.{0,3}\>//gi; # remove citations references
		$newLine =~ s/\{\{cite.*?\}\}//gi; # remove references
		$newLine =~ s/\[\[(([.]|[^\|])+?)\]\]/$1/g; # un-wiki-fy wiki links in the format [[link]]
                $newLine =~ s/\[\[.+?\|(.+?)\]\]/$1/g; # un-wiki-fy wiki links in the format [[link|name]]

	#Set genre categories
	if ($newLine =~ /^\|\ *genre/ ne "") {
		$genreLine = $newLine;
		$genreLine =~ s/^\|\ *genre\ *\=\ *//i;
		@genres = split (/\,/,$genreLine);
		foreach (@genres) {
			$line = $_;
			$line =~ s/^\ *//;
			$line =~ s/\ +$//;
			$categories .= "\[\[Category:" . $line . " games\]\]\n";
	#Set mode categories

	if ($foundInfobox eq 1) {
		if (($platformAltered eq 0) and ($skip eq 0)) {
			print $newLine . "\n";
		} elsif ($platformAltered eq 1) {
			print $platforms . "\n";

print "\n\n\n";

print $categories;

print "\n\n\n";

Script that takes existing Template:test entry entries and converts them to Template:testing/entry entries.


my $line;
my @input;
my @result;


while ($line ne "-1") {
        $line = <STDIN>;

        if (($line ne "-1") and ($line ne "")) {
                push (@input,$line);

push (@result, "\=\= Testing \=\=");
push (@result, "\{\{testing\/start\}\}");
push (@result, "\<!--Use this template for test entries\: \{\{testing\/entry\|revision=\|OS=\|CPU=\|GPU=\|result=\|tester=\[\[User:YourUserName\|YourUserName\]\]-->");


foreach (@input) {
	$newLine = $_;

	$newLine =~ s/^\{\{test entry/\{\{testing\/entry/gi;

	if ($newLine =~ /^\{\{testing\/entry/gi) {
		push (@result,  $newLine);


push (@result, "\{\{testing\/end\}\}");

foreach (@result) {
	print $_ . "\n";

I might need to combine all of this into one mega script that you can drop an existing page into and have it spit out a properly-formatted one...