Ghz Guesses

You probably shouldn't be guessing at CPU's Ghz. Most of my tests you populated with 4.0 Ghz were run overclocked at 4.2 Ghz, sometimes higher, it's not safe to make presumptions. Kolano (talk) 03:03, 10 March 2024 (CET)

I did eventually realise after a while that i7 and i9 CPUs were very commonly used by dedicated overclocking users (One tester reported having tested at 5.2 GHz when the base clock was something like 4.4 GHz), and that I had to skip those ASAP from that point on. I did continue my guess throughout that night that i3 and i5 could be assumed to run at base frequency, but I'd also accept the situation if the i3 and i5 conversions were wrong too. DandelionSprout (talk) 03:28, 10 March 2024 (CET)