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== Troubleshooting ==
== Troubleshooting ==
=== "Failed to open Bluetooth device: LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS" ===
This error means that Dolphin doesn't have permission to use the Bluetooth adapter.
If on Linux, make sure the udev rule is set up correctly.
=== "Failed to open Bluetooth device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED" ===
On Windows, this typically means that the libusb/WinUSB driver was not installed for the adapter.
=== "Failed to detach kernel driver for BT passthrough" ===
Dolphin tried to automatically unload the Bluetooth USB kernel module and failed to. Unload the module manually before starting a game to avoid this issue.
=== Wiimotes do not stay paired after closing the game ===
This means that your adapter is likely broken and does not remember Wiimote link keys properly. Use a different adapter to avoid this issue.
=== Black screen on boot ===
Games send a reset command to the Bluetooth adapter when they start and wait for it to be acknowledged. If you are getting a black screen for a long time (more than 10 seconds), your adapter may be stuck in a broken state and is unable to respond to any commands. Unplug the adapter and try again.

== Limitations ==
== Limitations ==