Controlling the Global User Directory

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Revision as of 22:32, 4 March 2015 by Lucario (talk | contribs)
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The Global User Directory was brought to Windows in 3.5-2381 and release 4.0. Now, like Linux and OSX before it, Windows builds have a central location where saves, settings, screenshots, themes, etc are kept. All builds will have the same settings and saves, and updating from one revision to another will be much easier.

Of course a change like this is going to require some adjustment for users. Fortunately, the Global User Directory system has a large selection of controls to adapt to a variety of user needs.


Moving Saves and Settings from Older Versions

Moving saves and settings from an older version of Dolphin to 4.0-era builds is easy. The default location of the Global User Directory is %userprofile%\My Documents\Dolphin Emulator\. To use your old saves, copy over the \GC\ and \Wii\ folders from your old builds User directory to the Global User Directory. For your settings, copy over the Config file.

  • As a speed up you can even copy all of the content from your old User folder to the Dolphin Emulator folder if you like, though the GameConfig folder will be ignored.

Choose the Location of the Global User Directory

  • Open the registry. Simply type "regedit" in the search bar of the Start Menu and hit enter.
  • Right click Software and select New > Key. Name the key "Dolphin Emulator"
  • Right click the new Dolphin Emulator key, and select New > String Value. Name the value "UserConfigPath"
  • Double click the "UserConfigPath" value and an Edit String dialog appears. Under "Value Data", enter the path to the custom User directory. Make sure that you include "User" in it, since it will assume whatever path it is directed to is the User folder. If you point it to the Desktop for example, you will have a very messy situation.

Disable the Global User Directory for a Specific Build with "portable.txt"

To make a build use a local user directory, create a text file named "portable" next to the exe of the build. With the extension it should be named "portable.txt". Dolphin will see the text file and will not use the global user directory, instead creating a local user directory next to the build.

Restore the Old Behavior with "LocalUserConfig" registry key

If you just want nothing to do with this whole Global User Directory thing and want Dolphin to use an local User directory in the same place as its executable files as it used to, then you can disable the Global User Directory system entirely with a registry key. The key is global so it is a one time change.

  • Open the registry. Simply type "regedit" in the search bar of the Start Menu and hit enter.
  • Right click Software and select New > Key. Name the key "Dolphin Emulator"
  • Right click the new Dolphin Emulator key, and select New > String Value. Name the value "LocalUserConfig"
  • Double click the "LocalUserConfig" value and an Edit String dialog appears. Under "Value Data", type the number 1.

From now on, when you run a new Dolphin build it will create a User folder next to its executable files, just like it used to.

.reg Files

These registry keys can be created and removed with .reg files to make the process easier.

To create the LocalUserConfig registry key, open up notepad, paste the following in it and save it as a .reg file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Dolphin Emulator]

To remove the LocalUserConfig registry key and revert back to the Global User Config system, open up notepad, paste the following in it and save it as a .reg file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Dolphin Emulator]

Simply run the first key when you want to use a Local User Directory and run the second key to remove the Local User config and return to the Global User Directory system.

Use a Shortcut to Use a Specific User Directory for a Specific Build

You can use a shortcut to tell a specific build to use a specific user directory.

  • Create a shortcut to the Dolphin build you want to use, say on the desktop
  • Edit the target field. After the path to dolphin, add -U [Path to user folder]. When complete, the target field should look something like the following:
X:\Path\To\Dolphin\Build\Dolphin.exe -U X:\Path\To\User

Anytime you want that build to use the specified user directory, just run the shortcut. If you run the EXE directly it will use the Global User Directory.

Linux and OSX

Linux and OSX have always used a Global User Directory. However, with the Global User Directory changes in 4.0 one can choose a custom directory with the command:

/path/to/dolphin/build/dolphin-emu -U /path/to/user/directory