Things to keep in mind, as I understood them

  • WSA is indeed on Android 13; I crosschecked it with my own setup.
    • Same goes for WSL.
  • WSA OS is Windows 11 (though the one test entry I did write for WSA, will likely be sufficient for WSA years to come.)
  • Shutdown TV/movie apps will forever retain the pre-shutdown rating.

To-do list

20 February 2024

  • Compare the functionalities of integrated vs standalone mGBA.
  • Get the prototype screen thing for when Forecast Channel is convinced it needs to be updated.
  • Add a dedicated "Resource-intensive" section to The Sims 3.

28 February 2024

  • " Vulcan([ .,])" → " Vulkan$1" (Case-sensitive; make sure it doesn't cause issues with title names) (Bad idea; conflicts with both screenshot name and a boss fight in Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes).
  • "NVIDIA GeForce GTX? ([2-4]0[5-9])0)" → "NVIDIA GeForce RTX $1"
  • Geforce → GeForce (?)
    • Not yet sure how to ideally auto-correct Ryzen CPU names into 3/5/7 yet. Was able to correct model gens, but Hz rate correction is unfortunately too impractical to set up.
  • WSL (Linux) testing of, let's say, Mario Party 6, provided WSL's Ubuntu support hasn't completely collapsed permanently despite me suspecting it has.
  • Create Template:Problems/No N64 rumble.