Input Syntax

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This page explains how to properly assign multiple inputs and the control expression syntax in the input configuration dialogs.


Detect Wait for input from the selected device, and highlight the corresponding input in the list.
Select Copy the selected input name into the control expression field.
| OR Copy the selected input name into the control expression field, with "|" prepended.
& AND Copy the selected input name into the control expression field, with "&" prepended.
! NOT Copy the selected input name into the control expression field, with "!" prepended.
+ ADD Copy the selected input name into the control expression field, with "+" prepended.


Token Explanation Example usage
` The backtick is used in cases where the expression is ambiguous. Button 1 results in a syntax error, because the expression is ambiguous.

Adding backticks around the button name makes it able to be parsed correctly: `Button 1`

& The expression is true if both the LHS and the RHS are true. `Button 1` & `Button 2`

The virtual controller button will be pressed if and only if both Button 1 and Button 2 are pressed.

! Negates the following expression's value. !`Button 1`

The virtual controller button will be pressed if and only if Button 1 is not pressed.

+ The expression value is equal to the LHS value and the RHS value summed up. `Axis 1+` + `Axis 2+`
( The left parenthesis is used to open an expression group. (`Button 1` & `Button 2`) | `Button 3`

The virtual controller button will be pressed if both Button 1 and Button 2 are pressed, and/or Button 3 is pressed.

) The right parenthesis is used to close an expression group.