NAND Usage Guide

Revision as of 06:22, 6 November 2012 by MayImilae (talk | contribs) (Updated with some better instructions)

NAND Flash Memory is the built in memory of the Wii console. It houses save data, downloaded channels, and the System Menu. Some games may require files only found in a full NAND dump to work correctly. The easiest way to do that is with BootMii. For alternate methods, see the forum thread.

Dumping NAND with BootMii

To dump NAND with BootMii, you'll need:

  • A homebrewed console with BootMii installed
  • A SD card

Access BootMii through the Homebrew Channel. Use a GameCube Controller or the Power and Reset buttons to navigate through the BootMii menus, as detailed here. Select Options (gears icon) on the far right. Select Backup NAND (Green arrow from chip to the SD card), and wait until it completes. Once completed, remove the SD card and put it into your system. You should see a file named NAND.bin on the SD Card. If you do, your NAND has been backed up.

Placing the NAND files into Dolphin

  • Use NAND Tools to extract the files from NAND.bin.
  • Place the files User/Wii/ subdirectory. DO NOT replace the User/Wii/shared2/sys/SYSCONF file. Dolphin has it's own, unique SYSCONF file, and overwriting it with the one from your NAND dump will confuse Dolphin.


For help and further instructions, ask on the [ forums].