Half of Link

Dolphin 4.0 stable have the issue with DX9, and DX9 backend got removed recently, so, no point in keeping a note about something that occur with the latest stable release and that doesn't even exist anymore in the latest development version... Jhonn (talk)

D3D9 did not have the error. I used it way back in 3.0-600 era to get around the problem (OpenGL didn't have it back then either but it was rather slow before GLSL), and I confirmed it via the fifolog from the issue report in 4.0-88. Give it a try, you should get the same results. - MaJoR (talk) 20:32, 8 October 2013 (CEST)
I get half of link with DX9 in 4.0 stable and in the 4.0-144 when playing the game, but playing the FIFO log works (weird). Apparently this is occurring only in my system, so, add it back if you want, but I still consider this irrelevant now that the DX9 backend has gone. - Jhonn (talk)
It's the only way around the bug, so I think it's relevant. I'll put it back up. - MaJoR (talk) 01:17, 9 October 2013 (CEST)