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Developer(s) Kuju Entertainment
Publisher(s) Midway Games
Platform(s) GameCube
Release date(s) NA December 29, 2002
Genre(s) Helicopter simulation
Mode(s) Single-player
Input methods GameCube Controller
Compatibility 5Stars5.pngEdit rating: Fireblade
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Fireblade is a flight simulation. In the game the player takes control of an advanced helicopter gunship as a part of the Fireblade taskforce, which in the arc of the games story is responsible for fighting terrorism. The enemies of the game are the United Eastern States, who are believed to be building terrorist training camps and factories for Weapons of mass destruction.

The game is similar in many respects to ThunderHawk: Operation Phoenix, however, in Fireblade the player is forced to be far less cautious unless on a stealth mission and is usually pitted against far larger amounts of enemies. The main element of the game is aggressively piloting the player's attack helicopters against large enemy armored formations and completing the main mission objectives, these vary in creativity from simply blowing up a bridge to aiding a special forces team in stopping a train by parking a truck across the tracks and stopping enemy troops from moving it.


There are no reported problems with this title.


16:9 Widescreen Gecko Code


$16:9 Widescreen
4225C28C 024C3F40
4225C28C 024D0000

60Hz PAL

In the PAL-Version the 60Hz mode cannot be activated at startup. Use this Gecko code to force the 60Hz mode.

040D8130 38800001
0414644C 38600005


This title does not need non-default settings to run properly.

Version Compatibility

The graph below charts the compatibility with Fireblade since Dolphin's 2.0 release, listing revisions only where a compatibility change occurred.

2409-117 (current)
2.0 (r5384)
Compatibility can be assumed to align with the indicated revisions. However, compatibility may extend to prior revisions or compatibility gaps may exist within ranges indicated as compatible due to limited testing. Please update as appropriate.


This title has been tested on the environments listed below:

Test Entries
Revision OS CPU GPU Result Tester

Gameplay Videos