Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Metroid Prime: Trilogy)

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Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Developer(s) Retro Studios
Publisher(s) Nintendo
Series Metroid, Metroid Prime
Platform(s) Wii
Release date(s) Original release
NA November 15, 2004
EU November 26, 2004
AUS December 2, 2004
JP May 26, 2005
Metroid Prime: Trilogy
NA August 24, 2009
EU September 4, 2009
AUS October 15, 2009
Genre(s) First-person action-adventure, First-person shooter, Action-adventure
Mode(s) Single-player, Multiplayer (4)
Input methods Wii Remote + Nunchuk
Compatibility 5Stars5.pngEdit rating: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Metroid Prime: Trilogy)
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Metroid Prime: Trilogy is an action-adventure video game compilation developed by Retro Studios and published by Nintendo for the Wii video game console. It features Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption on a single dual-layer disc.

Metroid Prime 2 in Trilogy has been updated with many features from Metroid Prime 3, such as its aiming system, bloom rendering, 16:9 aspect ratio, and reduced difficulty level (to play the original difficulty, play "veteran" instead of normal). The update also has higher resolution textures, and uses Trilogy's menus, save system, achievements, and unlockable soundtracks.

Game Pages

This page should be used for specific issues with the Metroid Prime 2: Echoes sub-game of Metroid Prime: Trilogy. For other Metroid Prime: Trilogy games or launcher information, please see the following pages.

MPT Game Pages Trilogy.png
MPT Game Pages Prime1.png
MPT Game Pages Prime3.png

Emulation Information

Constant Wii Remote Disconnects

When using the MS Bluetooth Stack (the default Bluetooth stack on Windows) the game will think that the Wii Remote is constantly disconnecting. Pressing a button on the Wii Remote will restore it, but it will disconnect again seconds later. Disable Enable Speaker Data to remedy this problem. It's a problem bound to PC hardware and driver, you can also try Bluetooth Passthrough, or follow this Wii Remote -TR Connection Guide anyhow to avoid the MS Bluetooth stack. DolphinBar is another viable solution for this problem.

Shader Compilation Stuttering

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Metroid Prime: Trilogy) is one of the most susceptible titles to shader compilation stuttering. The GC and Wii have no concept of shaders - everything is executed directly by the hardware without an intermediate programming language (API). Modern computers and mobile systems do not work in this way, requiring the use of shaders as an intermediary so your system's GPU can perform the tasks that the GC and Wii GPU performed directly. Shaders have to be generated though, and since GC/Wii games are not designed to create shaders ahead of time as a PC game would, when a new effect appears Dolphin has to delay the CPU thread while the GPU thread performs the compilation; a pause that does not exist on the consoles. For most games shader generation takes only a few milliseconds, but for a few demanding titles, the shaders that they generate are so large that they can result in noticeable stuttering, in severe cases pauses of over a second may occur.

Since 5.0-4869, this problem can be solved by enabling ubershaders. Changing GPU, updating GPU drivers, or updating Dolphin may invalidate the shader cache, requiring specialized shaders to be compiled again. Since 5.0-6461, Dolphin caches shader pipeline UIDs independently of the video backend and compiles them on game start. This allows cached shaders to work across different video backends, platforms, hardware configurations and even Dolphin versions as long as changes aren't made to Dolphin's actual shader pipeline. These shaders are compiled in the background when the game starts, which may cause stuttering for a short period. Enable Compile Shaders Before Starting to avoid this.


There are no reported problems with this title.


Bloom Offset at Higher IR

When playing at higher internal resolutions, bloom effects will scale incorrectly, with multiple copies of the bloom spread out from the source, which can be very distracting.

A workaround is to disable Scaled EFB Copy, which will cause all EFB effects to be rendered at native resolution.

Since 5.0-16763, Graphics Mods can be used to make only bloom render at native resolution, or to disable it altogether.

Because it was often rendered at low resolutions, the bloom may appear shimmery when rendered at native resolution.

Visual Artifacts with Anti-Aliasing

When Anti-Aliasing SSAA or MSAA of x8 level is set, weird glowing appears on the bottom and right edges of the screen, to fix this select an Anti-Aliasing level of x4 or lower.

Dot in IR>1

When playing above 1x Native internal resolution, there is a dot in the center of the screen. It's small and easy to ignore, but it's always there. It can be hidden along with the helmet and visor display in the game's options.

Another workaround for this problem is to put these custom textures into the Dolphin Emulator\Load\Textures folder and enabling the Load Custom Textures option in the advanced graphics settings.

HD Textures

Metroid Prime Trilogy - HD Interface Textures. This texture pack works with the Trilogy and the standalone GameCube/Wii titles.


Only configuration options for the best compatibility where they deviate from defaults are listed.

Wii Remote

Config Setting Notes
Enable Speaker Data Off Causes constant Wii Remote disconnects

Version Compatibility

The graph below charts the compatibility with Metroid Prime 2: Echoes since Dolphin's 2.0 release, listing revisions only where a compatibility change occurred.

2409-15 (current)
2.0 (r5384)
Compatibility can be assumed to align with the indicated revisions. However, compatibility may extend to prior revisions or compatibility gaps may exist within ranges indicated as compatible due to limited testing. Please update as appropriate.


This title has been tested on the environments listed below:

Test Entries
Revision OS CPU GPU Result Tester
r7689 Windows 7 Intel Core i5-2500K @ 4.4 GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 Close to perfect → constant 60FPS, 1280x720, 3xNative textures and DSP-HLE sound (still must use dol swap though) Zlutz
3.0-766 Windows 7 Intel Core i7-3770K @ 4.4 GHz AMD Radeon HD 6970 DX11 at 1900x1200 (using internal resolution auto, 4xAA), averages 50FPS. EFB-copy-to-RAM must be used 100% of the time for the scan visor to function (contrast to MP1 where it is only required for the rarely-used x-ray visor), but fastest cache option can be used (causes very minor graphical glitches). "Skip Destination Alpha Pass" also breaks the scan visor and should be left off. "Accurate V-Beam" (in right-click options) provides noticeable speedup in large rooms with no ill effect. DSP-HLE works fine, except for very occasional loss of BGM (can be resolved by save/load or reset); DSP-LLE does not drop BGM but instead causes crackling and clicking sounds whenever framerate drops below 60FPS. OpenMP texture decoder, cache display lists, and disable fog/per-pixel-depth are all recommended for slight speedup. DOL swap still required to run. anon
4.0-2826 Windows 7 Intel Core i7-4790K @ 4.6 GHz AMD Radeon HD 7970 OpenGL at 1920x1080 (3x internal res), no AA, 4x AF, works consistently at 58-60FPS so far - I will update if I see similar drops like I saw in MP1 anon
4.0-4843 Windows 7 Intel Core i5-750 @ 2.66 GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 ES_Launch problems now solved, no problems with speaker data. Direct 3D, EFB to RAM used. Frequent drops to 25FPS and I must go to windowed then fullscreen again to gain 50FPS. Everything OK otherwise. Paulli
4.0-5384 Windows Server 2012 AMD FX-8350 @ 4.6 GHz AMD Radeon HD 7970 D3D @1920x1080 (3x IR), no AA, 1x AF, playing at PAL50. Runs very nicely, minor FPS drops when entering water and in some places, otherwise constant 50FPS. Played all the way through without major glitches. XorUnison
5.0-rc-34 SteamOS 2.60 Intel Core i3-4170 @ 3.7 GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti OGL, 3x IR, no other enhancements, NTSC-U. Fullspeed aside from portal transitions (where crackling audio is the only noticeable effect). No glitches as far as I could tell. monojin

Gameplay Videos